Tots vs 10 Things I Hate About You Similarities and Differences

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Similarities/Differences between T.O.T.S and 10 Things I hate about you. Similarities/Differences between T.O.T.S and 10 Things I hate about you. "First, kiss me, Kate, and we will." – Petruchio. My paper is about the similarities and differences in the movies The Taming Of The Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You. The Taming Of The Shrew film was created back in the 1960’s while 10 Things I Hate About You was made rather recently in 1999. After watching both anyone can pick up subtle similarities and of course differences with the two especially in the aspects of characters, the rule and very similar moments in the two films. In both stories there is a rule made by both fathers. In Taming Of The Shrew, Baptista the father, wants to marry off his two daughters Bianca and Katharina. Katharina is the eldest, and Baptista’s rule was that the eldest had to marry before the youngest. Bianca was extremely pretty and had a lovely personality, while Katharina had an ugly demeanour which nobody wanted to go near and looks which were easily outmatched by Bianca’s. (Lucentio, a person who loves Bianca dearly finds Petruchio, a man who just wants to marry and he goes out on a will saying he will “tame” Katharina.) And of course there was also the large dowry that Baptista gave to the husband of Katharina. Meanwhile in 10 Things I Hate About You, the father’s rule is that Bianca can only date if Kat is dating at the same time. Kat does not want to date, or have any type of relationship with boys because of the past. She even refuses to go to college parties! This angers Bianca because she is keen to date but Kat clearly isn’t. Bianca is the youngest daughter and Kat is the eldest. Notice in both films, the younger daughter is named Bianca. Also notice a small difference, In Tame Of The Shrew, they call the eldest sister Katharina or Kate, but in 10 Things I Hate About you,
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