Total Rewards Credits Appraisal System

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Total Reward Credits Performance Appraisal System Caesar’s Entertainment Deborah Monforto AMBA620, Section 9041 Professor Olson August 6, 2013 Introduction Caesar’s Entertainment is a large entertainment corporation that provides a performance appraisal system to all of their employees. This system is called Total Reward Credits. This system reaches all levels of employees and their leadership teams. Employees are secretly monitored by undercover employees and “spotlight” each interaction they come across. A spotlight is a list of items that an employee must touch upon when interacting with each and every employee. Eye contact, a friendly greeting and an upsell of some kind are one of the many items included in this interaction. This is graded from 0%-100% and submitted to the leadership team for evaluation. If an employee fails (less than 70%) than they are subject to progressive discipline. If an employee should succeed, (95%-100%) they can be given reward credits to cash in for whatever they may choose. There are many other ways to obtain reward credits, however, this is primarily the way. The rewards are put into an account, that only the employee has access to, and they can cash in for items such as vacations, televisions, or free buffets within their work location. The incentive program is an excellent way to keep employees on their toes, as well as, keep up the customer service levels with guests. Context The context of this essay is to determine whether Caesar’s Entertainment has a proper Performance Appraisal System. This appraisal system is supposed to recognize the performance of the employees and whether they meet the expectations of those of the company, as well as the guests they interact with on a daily basis. Once evaluated, they are graded on a 100-point system that enables

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