Tomorrow When the War Began

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tomorrow when the war began.ppttomorrow_pic.jpg Student Essays about Tomorrow, When the War Began 11 English van Rossen thinks about Hell, Loyalty, Courage and Goodness Tomorrow essay.docTomorrow essay.doc DetailsDownload24 KB ESSAYS THAT ARE EXCELLENCE MODELS FOR TOMORROW, WHEN THE WAR BEGAN BY JOHN MARSDEN NAME A THEME IN AN EXTENDED TEXT THAT YOU STUDIED THIS YEAR THAT YOU FOUND IMPORTANT. EXPLAIN WHY YOU FOUND IT IMPORTANT AND PROVIDE EXAMPLES OF IT APPEARING IN THE TEXT. An important theme in the extended text by John Marsden Tomorrow, When the War Began, was change. Change is when something is altered, for example: your surroundings, personality or relationships. Change is an important theme because it is something that happens in the live of all people, and often makes a big difference to our outlook on life. It is a theme which dominates this novel. Tying your topic into today’s world We see the theme of change in the text firstly regarding the characters’ situation. The characters are suddenly pushed into the new and unfamiliar scenario of war. They had been used to peaceful lives, without having to worry about whether the next day would be their last. The change to the characters’ situation is highlighted at the start of the novel, where Ellie says, “We’ve all had to rewrite the scripts of our lives, these last few weeks.” By this Ellie means that their situation has changed dramatically, and they’ve had to acknowledge this and adapt. We can see from this example that change formed the basis for the plot and was therefore an important theme in the text. Change in situations happens to all people and this makes it an important theme in the novel because it is relevant to readers’ lives. The theme of change is also shown in the change to the characters’ personalities. For example, Homer is portrayed, at the beginning of

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