Tommy Boy Essay

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Nick Perrotta ! ! In the movie, Tommy Boy written by Peter Segal , Tommy starts out in the 9/6/11 beginning as a screw up and after his dads passing he tries to take over the family business and better his life. Throughout the movie he keeps messing up and everything begins to go downhill. Once he believes he has hit rock bottom his friends inspire him to keep going and he goes to stand up against the business trying to ruin his life and he returns victorious. ! Tommys full name is Tom Callahan. Tommy is not the smartest person in the world, actually he is more towards the end of the dumbest. He tends to act dumb and do dumb things that usually have a direct impact on him or the people surrounding him. Tommy is a bigger, more heavy set male that doesn't take care of himself and thinks its funny that he has a poor diet. Throughout the film, Tommy does realize his flaws and realizes what he has to do. Tommy has always had a lot of friends because he is an outgoing and fun person to be around. From a small town there really isn't much to do so he tended to do dumb stuff like cow tipping with his step-brother. sense he is always doing dumb things his character portrays a dumb person which is what makes the movie so great. ! In the beginning of the movie Tommy tries to take over after his fathers untimely death at his own wedding. Tommys exact words at the board meeting were “I’ll do it”. He stood up and went on a rant of why he should help the company and that he could do it. I believe in some way Tommy feels that he has to make up for what he has done in the past for his father by doing this. At the table he said it with a sense of urgency that he would do anything to save the company. This was a side of Tommy that the viewers Nick Perrotta were not used to seeing but instead of laughing at him we decided to listen and comprehend what he was preaching to

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