Tomi Reichentahl in Bergen Belsen

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Tomi Reichentahl in Bergen Belsen 1944-1945: The Holocaust was one of the most horrific events in all of history, The Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp in Hanover held approximately 50,000 jews captive as Slave labourers. Tomi Reichentahl is a Slovakian Jew who is one of the three remaining Holocaust survivors that lives in Ireland. Tomi Reichentahl was sent to Belsen in 1944 with several members of his family who sadly didn’t survive the camp. Tomi Reichentahl and his family were sent to Bergen Belsen in 1944 because they were Jews and 15 high ranking German officers sat down at the and decided to imprison the jews in Belsen. The horror of the seven-day journey to Belsen concentration camp along with Miki, his mother Judith, his grandmother Rosalia, his aunt Margo, and cousin Chava was unbearable. Conditions in Bergren Belsen were horrendous , there was very little food and water. There were no toilet facilities in Belsen which led to an awful stench throughout the camp , at first the smell was unbearable but the prisoners soon got used to.Many of the prisoners wore very little clothing which were mostly rags and scrap material.The prisoners had no source of heat so they had to huddle together to keep warm. The prisoners were weak and frail due to the malnurishment. Both adults and children were treated the same , they were abused both physically and mentally by the SS guards who didn’t allow any child to live happy lives. The things that were seen in Bergen Belsen were stuff of nightmares which left prisoners mentally scarred. There was no such thing as innocence for the children in the camp because the gruesome sights that they saw stole it from them. The smells of rotting corpses in the camp took months to get used to because they were so disgusting and vile. The bodies of the prisoners were stacked four feet high and taken away many days later using
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