Tom Delay Case Study

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You Be The Judge I’m writing with regard to problem # 2 for on page 203. Conley made profit on poker machines that are illegal in Pennsylvania. Since he was placing them in establishments and using the profits he is guilty for money laundering. Money laundering consists of taking the proceeds of criminal acts either to promote crime or conceal the source of the money. Money laundering is a serious charge. Since Conley was in the state of Pennsylvania, where poker machines are illegal, and for him to make money off something that is illegal in that state is against the law. In 2001, U.S prosecutors obtained almost 900 money-laundering convictions. The average prison sentence is six years for this crime. In October of 2005 Tom DeLay was convicted…show more content…
This is the argument about the Chesney’s. The Chesney’s rented an apartment from John Stevens at a low monthly rent. The Chesney’s put a good amount of money into upgrading the apartment. Stevens knew about them doing the upgrades and let them continue to do so. Stevens evicted the Chesney’s for the property and they counterclaimed. They were seeking the value of work that they put into upgrading the apartment. Even though there might not be a contract the Chesney’s can go to court using the information about the quasi-contract. A quasi-contract is not an actual contract but is a legal substitute formed to impose equity between two parties. If the Chesney’s can prove that Stevens knew about the upgrades then the Chesney’s will get all the money they put into the apartment. If Stevens knew he wasn’t going to pay the Chesney’s for all they put into the apartment he should have stopped the work. I believe that the Chesney’s would be able to prove that they did the upgrades in court. They gave Stevens an enormous benefit by upgrading the apartment. Stevens will be able to rent the apartment for a lot more without even putting in any work. It would be unfair to allow John Stevens to seize the value of the work, evict the Chesney’s who did it, and pay
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