To What Extent Was the Young American Republic a Sucess

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To What Extent was the Young American Republic a Success Between 1783 – 1820? The young American republic may have been an extremely young nation but within four decades it had developed a sophisticated economy with the beginnings of an industrial revolution, it had made its self respected as a nation and its foreign policy affected that of other much older and more powerful nations and finally it had inspired countless similar revolutions around the globe as nations broke away from empires and monarchies. The young American republic was full of successes while the Colonies were still fighting the British on American soil for independence, the founding fathers a collection of the enlightened and forward thinking minds of America, wrote the articles of confederation. This promised the development of a central government with a capital city to be constructed in Washington D.C. and gave a sense of nationhood to a very diverse group of colonies. It may have been a vague set of rules and ideas giving the States a lot of power but it allowed the colonies to win and recover from the war quickly. The Policy for a collective foreign policy allowed America to unify and work as a strong enough power to play a part in foreign politics. However this article of confederation did little to unify the states internal policy. Very early on in Americas new independence it came under attack from Britain economically. Britain had a far superior Navy and industrial sector. These allowed Britain to produce goods far cheaper than any other country in the world and its navy could protect shipping routes minimalising the loss to piracy and enemy navies. This allowed British companies to dump goods on America markets (selling goods at such a low level that the company makes little profit with the aim of crushing competition who can't compete). This economic bullying delayed the
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