To What Extent Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair?

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The treaty of Versailles was a treaty, which was signed at the end of the First World War. Germany had lost the war, and therefore the allies, who had won the war, decided to hold a conference in Paris, these conference main objectives were to reestablish order and peace and to make Germany pay for being guilty for the war. With this treaty the big three would assure that Germany wont start another war by destroying it. The terms of the Treaty which affected Germany the most were the war reparations, loss of territory and disarmament. First all, the war guilt was seen extremely harsh by the Germans, and it was; they had to admit they had caused the war, while in fact Germany got dragged in because of its alliances., Germany had to pay £6600 million for the damage caused and Germanys economy wasn’t so good at the moment so that definitely was devastating for them. Furthermore, not only reparations had sunk Germany’s economy, but the other clauses such as the loss of colonies and trade, contributed to make the situation worse. In addition, Germany could not develop its military and naval forces. This had very big consequences for its government. People went on strike, and as they failed to pay reparations hyperinflation was caused. Germans were very mad and said that it was too harsh but they had done the same to Russia in 1918 with the treaty of breast. And it had devastated Russia. All in all Treaty of Versailles wasn’t completely fair to Germany, they forced them to sign the treaty and that wasn’t fair at all, they had to pay a lot of reparations and they weren’t prepared for that. Germany said this treaty was unfair as they weren’t the only culpable for the war and they were right. The Treaty of Versailles was fair to Germany to the extent of making them pay for the war, but they made Germany pay a quantity that was completely inequitable amongst the other
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