To What Extent Was the Process of ‘Globalisation’ of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century a New Phenomenon?

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To what extent was the process of ‘globalisation’ of the second half of the twentieth century a new phenomenon? The idea of globalisation can prove quiet difficult to grasp, it is entwined in a definition of significant ambiguity. If you look at it in the wider aspect of world history, it bears no chronological order, with neither a set beginning nor predictable end. Globalisation can be examined in a number of different ways and studied by many different scholarly professions- Historians, economists, sociologists, political scientists etc. As the subject at hand is history, one shall evaluate the idea of globalisation from a historical aspect. I do not intend to look at development of globalisation from the dawn of man, as hunter gatherers and so on. I will instead draw on the rapid transformation which has been occurring in the second half of the twentieth century, as a period or epoch in history of cultural, economic and moral transformation- The development of a New Global History, surpassing that of the previous significance of nation-states, boundaries and territoriality. I wish to assess how some of these different actors attributed to this radical shift from national to global, namely, the United Nations, multinational corporations and non-governmental organisations. Globalisation is very difficult to confine into one distinct definition. Bruce Mazlish argues that globalisation can be explained as a “theory about social relations, emphasizing that those relations, whatever their specific form, are becoming more widespread, with the parties to them more and more interconnected and interdependent in various ways. There is always a geographical dimension to this development as greater expansion into the world takes place. Without all parts of the world becoming more and more known, there can only be a limited increase in social relations.” This definition

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