To What Extent Was Oswald Mosley To Blame For The Failure Of British Fascism?

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[pic] [pic] To what extent was Oswald Mosley to blame for the failure of British Fascism? [pic] [pic] [pic] To what extent was Oswald Mosley to blame for the failure of British Fascism? Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Sir Oswald Mosley. Three political figures of vastly similar ideology, in the same historic period in very similar European cultures, so why is it that only two of them, Hitler and Mussolini, hold extreme historical stature which led the impact of millions of lives being changed and lost, yet Mosley is merely a shadow of historic comparison in relation to them both. He like them formed an extreme right wing political group, the British Union of Fascists (BUF), yet the parties impact failed dramatically compared to both Hitler’s Nazi party and Mussolini’s National Fascist Party. What could be the cause of such a vast margin of success? Could it have something to do with historian ideology that fascism is alien to British traditions, hence the lack of support for Mosley’s party? Could it have had something to do with Mosley himself and his character, judgement and decision making at inappropriate or opportune times? Or was it maybe that he, and the British Union of Fascists were fighting a losing battle from the beginning, not based on the ideology of fascism being alien to British traditions but a lack of fortune in his favour, with regards to the economy and propaganda, as well as Britain’s political structure being unique compared to other Countries as both Parliament and Monarchy work together? What were the real factors behind Mosley finding it easier [1]‘ to borrow the Mussolini’s black-shirts as a party uniform, than to recreate the political circumstances that had permitted the Fascist seizure of power in
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