To What Extent Is It Now Time for a Codified Constitution Discuss?

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The United Kingdom’s s uncodified constitution relies heavily on established conventions and trust in order to prevent widespread corruption. To some extent this type of constitution historically has served the UK well. However, due to increasing disillusion with politicians and their ethics. Which some claim to be the result of more transparency and a higher level of education. UK citizen are more informed and able to make analytical judgements in their best interest, this in turn, challenges the authority of the state to decide what is in our best interest. In light of these developments many UK citizens now want to be protected from the frequently exposed dangers of an uncodified constitution. On this basis it is fair to evaluate citizens need for safety overcomes the need for flexibility, thus a codified constitution is now needed to a large extent. Some argue the UK does not currently need a codified constitution because they already have a fragmented constitution. Where large parts of it are written down, in the laws passed in Parliament - known as statute law and ‘The Doctrine Of Parliamentary Sovereignty’ all of which clearly outline the laws, principles and established precedents according to how the UK is governed. Furthermore, many think the UKs fragmented constitution leads to more flexibility in political matters and allows politicians to easily modernise and adapt outdated clauses. This view is often supported with negative examples from the USA’s codified constitutional system. Such as, the topical debate on amending US citizen’s constitutional right to bear arms amidst rising gun crime. The fact the amendment is codified makes it difficult for the US government to modify it even though it is outdated and highly detrimental to US society. Thus the immediate need for an uncodified constitution is minimal as the flexibility of the current constitution
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