To What Extent Did Russia Undergo Economic and Political Reform in the Years 1906-14?

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After the 1905 revolution Russia was in need of reforms both economically and politically to allow it to maintain its role of a great power and to prevent another revolution occurring. The answer to this was the October Manifesto. However, due to the stubbornness of the Tsar, who was determined not to relinquish his autocratic powers, what may have appeared as reforms were largely superficial, making little change in particular to the Russian political system. Any law that the Lower House (the elected body) wanted to pass had to be agreed by the Upper House and then the Tsar, this meant that although it is giving the illusion that the people are picking their way of life and the rules in which they abide by, the Tsar still has complete control over them and therefore the extent to which they had undergone reforms was less than what it seemed to the naked eye. While the peasants began to see higher wages in the cities seeming positive it meant that many people moved causing an over-crowding in cities and 4/5 people were still peasants despite the wage increase. In a political aspect while they managed to get universal primary education and health insurance, the Tsar issued ‘Fundamental law’ giving him the right to govern by degree. In this essay we will discuss many cases in which change was created and in other cases in which it was not in both rural reform under Stolypin and Political Reform also. When looking at Stolypin and his reasons for reform it appears that he states his main reason for doing so was wanting to reduce social bitterness and ease tension, however his hopes in doing this was that the peasants would becomes more loyal to the tsarist regime and therefore the tension of the thought of another Revolution would cease to exist. Stolypin had policiesin which to improve
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