To Kill A Mockingbird Maturity Analysis

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40150 Mrs. Cooper English 9 H 9/17/13 Exposed to the World of Maturity Does not everyone wish they could rewind time back to when they were petite, innocent children? When they were unknown to the world of secrets that lies before them in the future? In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the lesson, “growing up is difficult” is learned by Scout. Like many kids, Scout wishes to be treated as an adult. However, when she is introduced to the concepts of grownups, far beyond her own knowledge, she realizes that there is no turning back. In fact, the world of maturity is tough to live in. Throughout the summer, Scout fools around and plays childish games. One of which, accompanied by Dill and Jem, is to make Boo Radley emerge from his house. Overall, these attempts lead to notes on fishing poles, peering through the window, and touching the side of Boo’s house which anyone can conclude as immature. Even Atticus comes to somewhat of a realization as to what the kids are trying to do and yells at them. With Scout’s innocence slowly diminishing, her ability to play silly games is not acceptable; especially with no more “free passes” left. She understands to respect those around her, even if it means subtracting out the fun. Not only is Scouts…show more content…
In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Scout must face the world and their uncovered obstacles while becoming older. She understands that foolish conduct is inappropriate and disrespectful when irritating her neighbors. With help of Aunt Alexandra, Scout also ascertains how to become a formal woman. Lastly, she witnesses a type of hate, new to her, through Tom Robinson’s trial. Scout comes to the conclusion that a world of pressure weighs down on her shoulders. However, she has yet to find that the potential “…core of strength” inside of her is easier to discover than she
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