To Kill a Mocking Bird - How Prejudice Is Spread

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TKAM Theme Essay From Generation to Generation: How Prejudice is Spread According to a study done by “The Better Child Foundation”, children have a 94% chance of holding similar moral and political views as their parents. This can, on course, be a good thing, as long as the parent takes responsibility and teaches their kid well. But what about those that pass along bad lessons to their kids? In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, the author, Harper Lee, creates a situation that shows exactly where these parents went wrong, all the meanwhile focusing on a main character who is being given amazing guidance by her parental unit. In the beginning of the story, Scout and Jem are introduced, the young and intelligent children of Atticus Finch, a lawyer in the town of Maycomb. During the summer, these two met a boy named Dill, and the three of them go on various misadventures attempting to scare the introverted neighbor, Arthur “Boo” Radley out of his house. However, summer passes by in a breeze, and when school is back in session, Jem and Scout find something strange happening – their classmates are all teasing them about their dad, who is apparently going to defend a black man in court. Eventually the trial rolls around, and Atticus makes it very clear that Tom Robinson, the black man who was accused of raping the white girl Mayella Ewell, is innocent. Even though it is obvious that Mayella’s dad beat her and Tom is not guilty, the jury still convicts Tom Robinson because of his race. Some time after the trail, Boo Radley, the recluse who they used to bully, saves Jem and Scout from an attack from Mayella’s furious father. It is then when Scout grasps the lessons of her childhood, as taught to her by her father, Atticus. It is common knowledge that kids pick up their morals from their parents, and in the book, Harper Lee expresses that idea by implying that the
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