To Be with Him or Not to Be with Him: the Problem of Choice in Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills like White Elephants”

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People usually appear before the choice: whether to do this or not, whether to go there or not, whether to stay with person, or to leave him/her. Analyzing the story “Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway and imagining the conclusion of the story, three main developments may have been, supported by the communication of the characters and the plot development. The three main choices of the situations development: Jig may have the abortion, and remain with the American, she may have the abortion and leave the man, and the third way of their relationships is that she will not have the abortion, having won the man over, according to her opinion. The supportive elements of the first variant, Jig will have the abortion, but will not be satisfied with this her decision and her life will be connected with the American, may be found in the conversations and behavior of the story characters (Hashmi,72). The American tries to assure the girl in this statement saying, "It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig “the man said. It’s not really an operation at all (350).” These words just contribute that Jig is not willing to have an abortion but she will follow the man’s recommendations. Even choosing the drinks for Jig, bear weight by the man’s opinion, he chooses that they are going to drink beer; he chooses that they will drink a new drink with water and some other sings. The impression is that Jig be directed by the man and has not an opinion of her own. Moreover, Jig seems to be not only unwilling, but also without any desires and aims in her life. Being pregnant, she does not think about her own future and her child, she just listens to the American and his desire to get rid of a child. The situation may turn that Jig will have the abortion and leave the man (Hashmi,72). The pointer of this way of relations development is that they are different. Jig is a

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