Tization of the Public Sector Privatization of Public Sector

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Privatization of Public Sector Privatization is the process of transferring ownership of government enterprise, business, agency or public service to a private ownership. Many a times the governments of different states opt to make their firms be privatized. The government is likely to have the following advantages through privatization: Increased profitability: Most government sectors are poorly managed, when privatized, there will be improved administration and non profiting expenditure shall be avoided. Decreased political influence: Most public businesses are directly controlled by politicians whose aim is destruction. Through privatization, such influence shall be withdrawn. Increased foreign business dealings: Most public sector businesses are not aimed for profitability but to sustain the public interests. Through privatization, the firm shall be able to make sales and purchases across borders of the country. On the other hand, privatization may disadvantage the public due to the following reasons; Rise of Costs: The cost of purchasing goods and services of the privatized firm goes up since the firm will aim to make profit unlike the public firm which is aimed to sustain public interest. Loss of value in services offered: Most private firms do not have social interests but concentrate on how they can earn more profit. Therefore, a lot of value is lost on goods or services being offered. In conclusion: Most public firms should remain public if the government aim is to give the public the best goods or services. However if the firm was established to generate income to the government, then it should be

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