Thucydides History Of The Peloponnesian War

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Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War During the Peloponnesian War, the use of logos, or rational argumentation was very influential when Thucydides and the individuals discussed in his History of the Peloponnesian War. The speeches that Thucydides implements into his work are based on several aspects including knowledge, opinion, reality, appearance, physis, (basic human nature) nomos (law) and self interest. The first speech discussed was based on a disagreement between Corinthians and Athenians. The Corinthians were upset that the Athenians had besieged their colony Potidea. On the contrary, Athens was upset because the Peloponnesians had supported a revolt against a city that was allied with Athens. This issue was brought to the assembly where both sides stated their case. Sparta, being against Athens from the beginning spoke before Corinth in the matter, which was a disadvantage to Athens. This allowed everyone to solidify their feelings in the matter before Corinth needed to speak their case. Still, the Corinthians made their speech. The main point of the speech was to ask why Athens had besieged Potidea. “ You can see yourselves how Athens has deprived some states of their freedom and is scheming to do the same thing for others, especially among our own allies, and that she herself has for a long time been preparing for the eventuality of war. Why otherwise should she have forcibly taken over from us the control of Corcyra? Why is she besieging Potidea?” This section of the speech is primarily based on physis and knowledge. Corinthians were angry because of what the Athenians were doing. They continue to state that had the Athenians not taken control of Corcyra, and besieged Potidea, things may have worked out better. “Potidea is the best possible base for any campaign in Thrace, and Corcyra might have contributed a very large fleet
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