Three New Deal Programs

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Essay #3 Which 3 New Deal Programs do you believe had the biggest impact on the lives of African Americans? Include at least ONE that had a positive impact and explain your answers. The 3 New Deal Programs that I believe had the biggest impact on the lives of African Americans are the Agricultural Administration (AAA), the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and the Farm Security Administration (FSA). The one I feel that had the most positive impact is the Farm Security Administration (FSA), i will begin with when and why it was created and go on from there. The Farm Security Administration (FSA), was created in the department of agriculture in 1937, The FSA was a new deal program along with the RA (Resettlement…show more content…
There were many critics who were opposed to the FSA experiment. The program had failed though because many of the farmers wanted there own ownership. But once the Conservative Coalition gained control of the Congress, they were able to start making changes to the (FSA), which turned the program into being now able to help the poor farmers buy their land. The program continues to operate in the 21st century , known as the Farmers Home Administration…show more content…
They tried using the education for the poor, so that they could stretch their money. But instead the congress demanded the FSA to help the tennant farmers be able to purchase their farms. Loans became avaiable to them up to $191 million in loans were made and eventually repaid. As time went on their were larger loan programs made to over 950,000 tennant farmers in the amount of $778 million. Reasons for this was to make the farmers more efficient, some used their loans for new machinery, vehicles, or to even repay old debts they had. Farm tennants that borrowered loans were closely advised by goverment agencies. Family was important as well and was put on the agenda. FSA even set up a health insurance program, as well as the farmers wives were taught to cook and raise children. Many farmers were upwarded of 1/3 of the amount of their loan and did not have to repay it as well as they moved on to the cities to gain better
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