Three Generations Essay

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Three Generations Erik Erikson is a psychologist from the 1950’s. He is known for his Psychosocial Development theory, which is where at each stage of a person’s development they face a crisis. Therefore, I conducted an experiment of interviewing three people from separate age groups, to see if each person fits in Erikson’s predetermined category theory. The person I interviewed was McCade Oran; he is four years old, meaning he is supposed to fit in the category “initiative vs. guilt”. McCade is a very upbeat and curious four year old. The first question I asked him was “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” he replied “Umm I don’t know maybe like you, but maybe not like you”, then he growled at me. He understands that he will get older and one day grow up to be a teenager but as shown in his answer he is curious to how he is going to be when he gets older. The second question I asked him was “What is the difference between boys and girls?” he replied “Boys look like boys and girls look like girls and they look cute together.” The last question I asked was “What is a good age to get married?” he replied “I don’t know I’ve never even been on a date I just want to play with my toys.” According to his reply to the second question he is has already formed his opinion that boys and girls go together which is a perfect example of him showing initiative. The second person I interviewed was Bradley Smith, who is 19 years old. Bradley is a student currently enrolled in college. According to Erikson’s theory Bradley should be under the “identity vs. role confusion” The first question I asked him was where do you see yourself in ten years?” His reply was “I don’t have a major yet, I’m not sure what kind of job, but one good enough to support a family, with a wife, hunting dogs, and beginning to have my first kid” The second question I asked him was “What is a good

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