Three Foundational Spiritual Beliefs

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Comparison of Two Religions Rafael A. Olivera Professor Anne Keyes REL 212 July 27, 2013 Buddhism Origins The religion dates its origins to the 5th century after Siddhartha Gautama renounced to his wealth as a prince, achieved enlightenment, and pronounced his first sermon, the Four Noble Truths. Many who heard his discourse was deeply moved, and began gathering a following towards Buddhism (Hardy, n.d.). Later, the conversion to Buddhism of powerful state leaders would spread the word of Buddha, build monasteries, create shelter for pilgrims, and serve as models for subsequent monarchs who associated themselves to Buddhism (Hardy, n.d.). Three Foundational Spiritual Beliefs The three foundational spiritual beliefs are based on a…show more content…
Realizing the true and right perception, knowledge, and conduct known as the triple Jems of Jainism. The path for attaining liberation (moksha) from samsara (cycle of birth and death) is followed, and once liberation is attained, and each soul is revived by the Tirthankaras then the ultimate liberation is achieved (Jainism, n.d.). There are five basic ethical rules: Ahimsa, cause no harm to living beings, Satya, always speak the truth, Brahmacaya, avoid sexual indulgence, Asteya, not take anything not given, and Aparigraha, detachment from people, places, and things. Jainism Contemporary Practice and Example Fervent Jainism followers practice meditation, renunciation, holy studies, and chants during festivals; their emphasis is on self-discipline and self-perfection (Fisher, 2008). As an example of their devotion Jainism followers fasten for eight days while listening to sacred readings and lectures, during the Paryushan Mahaparva festival. Identify Two Ways Jainism is Practiced and Provide Specific…show more content…
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