This Is My Letter the World Analysis

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“THIS IS MY LETTER TO THE WORLD” The poem, “This is my letter to the world” by Emily Dickinson, demonstrates an active release of insight to create a sense of belonging. The poem makes use of meta poetry, suggestive of her own poetry being her ‘letter’. In the first two lines, the contrast between “World” and “Me” allows the reader to experience the distance and lack of belonging felt by the speaker. The speaker conveys the lack of reciprocity or communication that she has hitherto received from society, adopting a hurt and bitter tone in the high modality statement, “That never wrote to me”. With wrote being suggestive of communicate, or therefore belonging. The poem goes on to speak of nature with great respect, implying that nature reveals the truth with the line, “The simple News that Nature told”, however the oxymoron in the next line with “tender” and “Majesty” convey the idea that nature is the speaker’s kingdom, and the place where they have belonged until now, when they now seek a greater sense of belonging. In the second stanza, the extent of the speaker’s isolation is emphasized with the use of synecdoche in the second line with “To Hands I cannot see” attracts attention to the fact that although the speaker is yearning to find belonging, they are still even unsure of who they are ‘writing’ to. In addition, nature becomes personified with “For love of Her”, ultimately self-humbling the speaker, suggesting that they are not worthy as the world never wrote to them. It leaves the audience with the question: will they do it for nature, if not for the speaker? Finally the poem ends with a line that could have one or two meanings, “Judge tenderly – of Me” could continue the extended metaphor or the poetry being about Dickinson’s poetry, and refer to the poem itself. Or it could be referring to the speaker within the poem. The poem “This is my letter
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