Thesis For Gun Control Essay

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Gun Control Thesis Statement: It is not the right of the government to further breach the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding American Citizens by further tightening gun laws. Reasoning In Support of Argument: • It is stated in the second amendment that “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” • If a citizen has not committed any sort of criminal act, or has been deemed mentally unstable, the government should not have any say in the citizens’ decision to own firearms. • Further depleting the rights of gun owners will remove yet another piece of liberty, and bring America one step closer towards socialism and totalitarianism. “To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens”- Adolf Hitler 1933 • If guns are…show more content…
Source Material: 1. "Gun Control Is Not the Answer", LZ Granderson, September 18th, 2013 2. "More Guns Less Crime", John R. Lott, June 1st, 1998 3. " Is Gun Control Likely To Reduce Violent Killings?", Frank Zimring, Summer 1968 4. ” Expanded Homicide Table 8”, Federal Bureau of Inverstigation, Spring 2012 Thesis Paragraph: Gun control has been a hot topic in the United States for over a decade now, and it isn’t about to go away. 116,975,100 citizens of all walks of life who take part in exercising their second amendment right are falling victim to the negligence of .00002% of the population, leaving their right to bear arms to be questioned by the very government that granted its citizens this right centuries ago. Reasons that many pro-gun control activists vary, however, upon further examination of exactly who these people are and what kind of experience they have had with firearms, it becomes clear that a frightening portion of these people grew up without seeing any benefit whatsoever in their second amendment right. Instead, just like every other
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