Therapeutic Radiographer Essay

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Therapeutic Radiographer. Therapeutic radiographers treat patients, mostly those with cancer by using ionising radiation.As a therapeutic radiographer you are responsible for the accurate planning and delivery of a prescribed dose of radiation to specific areas of the body and wider aspects of oncology (tumours.) As a radiographer you play an important part in helping patients to cope with the daily physical and psychological problems assosiated with radiotherapy treatment, you need to be able to support patients and give them the correct information and even conselling. You need to be able to communicate with other members of the team and to provide support for pateitns who may be frightened or uncertain about what is going to happen.I enjoy working as part as a team and I feel that I am able to contribute to group discussions and decisions, I also appreciate working individually as it allows me to be independent. Radiographers require good communication skills to be able to deal with patients of all types and ages, many who need considerable reassurance.Making it essential that radiographers develop excellent communication skill.I feel that as an individual I am confident which allows me to support people in all types of situations and can provide the reassurance when essential. Radiographers deal with patients of all ages and types , from the very young to the elderly.Also patients with physical conditions such as being terminally ill or being blind.I think I would be suitable as a therapeutic radiographer because I enjoy being able to communicate and support all types of people . Futhermore, you need to have the ability to learn new skills and adapt to change which is essential as a radiographer as the technology used is constantly changing. It is very important as a radiographer that you can

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