Theory Of Abstraction In Thomistic Epistemology

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By Ani Donpedro INTRODUCTION Thomas Aquinas held the view that human beings are born without any ideas in their minds, man only knows through the process of abstraction of the essences of particular things and forming them into universal ideas. Moreover, the problem of how we know things had been one of the major preoccupations of philosophers over the ages. The ostensive problem raised in an attempt to find out where human knowledge comes from has led to diverse views. Some believe that human knowledge comes from experience and that human beings are born tabula rasa. Others believe that human beings do not acquire knowledge from experience; rather human beings are born with knowledge which is called the innate ideas. In this essay, we intend to look into Thomas Aquinas’ views about abstraction. We shall do this as one should in philosophy by employing the tool of conceptual clarification. We will first attempt a definition of the meaning of the term abstraction and the types of abstraction. This will serve as a springboard for our exploration into the basic thought of Aquinas on the theory of abstraction. Second, we shall carry out a holistic examination of Aquinas theory of abstraction. Finally, we will conclude. 1. ABSTRACTION: A CONCEPTUAL ELUCIDATION. In ordinary language abstraction designates the attitude of someone who is detached from everyday life and does not account what is real. In Philosophy the term abstraction designates a specific operation of the intellect consisting of detaching and retaining some property from a thing. This property serves as the basis upon which the intellect forms a cognitive image or concept of a thing. The term abstraction is the usual expression in medieval philosophical terminology for several processes distinguished in Aristotle’s writings by different terms, viz., aphaeresis and korismos described in different

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