The Youth Issues of Pacific Islanders All over the World

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The Youth Issues of Pacific Islanders All Over the World Like any other Asian groups living overseas, Pacific Islanders have been dealing with numerous issues in order to acclimate to a new culture. Among those issues, the concern about Tongan and Rotuman youths is nearly the most important problem when they, the younger generations, have to contend with many things such as: language barriers, identity losses and generational conflicts. By examining the book Tongans Overseas as well as the film “The Land Has Eyes”, we can find the youth issues happening in Tongan and Rotuman’s communities from both their homeland or overseas, which are depicted in both similar and opposite ways. Tongan and Rotuman youths over the world do have the same youth issues but with diverse settings, they have to deal with these problems in different ways. Just like the language barriers, while Overseas Tongans are embarrassed about not speaking Tongan language, Viki has to make her best effort in learning English. As we mentioned above, language barriers are not only one of the youth issues but also the biggest setbacks for the young generations, as Viki in “The Land Has Eyes” has to face with. Growing in a small island, Viki always dreams about Fiji, a promised land for those who want to be successful in life. In order to make this dream come true, she must study harder and acquire English language. By not knowing it, she might end up like her father when he was accused of stealing coconut. Her father doesn’t know any English, and Clark, the magistrate, also doesn’t speak Rotuman; they have to rely on the interpreter Poto who turns out an evil man. Because of this incident, Viki’s father encourages her to develop the academic ability as she applies for the scholarship. In the end of the movie, she not only gets a scholarship but also can interpret in English with the magistrate; it might be
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