The World In Six Glasses Research Paper

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History of the World in Six Glasses Throughout history, drinks have brought us together socially, financially and have changed the way we think. Without drinks the Greeks wouldn't know how to drink properly, tea would only exist in Asia, and we wouldn't be sitting at a Starbucks drinking a latte while typing on a computer. Drinks have been around dating back to when man first walked the earth, and since then have evolved our world to make it what it is today. They have had a great influence on our society and what a lot of people don't realize is that drinks have had a great deal to do with history and have influenced our world. When Tom Standage states that "Drinks have had a closer connection to the flow history than is generally acknowledged, and a greater influence on its course", I think what he is trying to say is that a drinks power is underestimated in society. In reality, drinks make up most of society. They have paved the way for thousands of years and i don't think that people realize this. Take coffee for instance. Today we have coffee with friends, business associates, and family. During the Age of Reason coffee was widespread throughout Europe and all around the world, used as a soberer, to keep people…show more content…
Wine was drank daily and depending on who you were and how wealthy you were, was the kind of wine you drank. This shows how our social classes have changed and stayed the same throughout Ancient times and up to today. Wine is and was a powerful drink that was drank to show your wealth and class, but today it is drank to relax. We can also see that today, upper class men and women tend to drink the most expensive and grandest wine just like in Ancient times. In our society today, our social classes aren't as strict as they were back then. I think that this drink has torn the "social class seam" a little bit and created a more relaxed

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