The Working Memory Model

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Working Memory Model * Outline and evaluate The Working Memory Model. Working memory model developed by Baddeley and Hitch, only focusses on short term memory and sees memory as an active store where information could be held and manipulated. The working memory model is a challenge to the earlier work of Shiffrin and Attkins’ multi-store model which sees short term memory as passive and unitary. There are three components to the working memory model. The first is central executive: the central executive is like the boss which coordinates the memory system and allocates resources to the other two slave system. It has a very limited capacity but can deal with the cognitive and problem solving tasks. It could be helpful to think of the central executive as the tank controller from the Tomas the tank engine; when information comes in the central executive decides which slave system is best to deal with that type of information and direct it accordingly. Very little is known about the nature of the central executive and its role in the memory which is problematic as it is one of the key components. Evidence supporting the existence of central executive is the research done by Bunge et al: when given dual tasks, MRI scans showed increased activity in the pre-frontal cortex, this shows that a region of the brain makes the decisions and proves the existence of the central executive. The first of the slave system is called the phonological loop and there are two parts to phonological loop: 1. The articular control process could be sort of the inner voice, this uses sub vocal rehearsal which is where you meant to repeat the information to yourself to stop you from forgetting it. 2. The phonological store which is the inner ear and this can hold the memory of sound for up to 2 seconds without rehearsal. Baddeley’s word length research supports the

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