The Virtues Of a True Man

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I believe in honor, pride, and glory. Honor in what you do, pride in who you are, and glory in all. These are just a few of the virtues on which I was raised. Thinking back, my whole life I remember my father telling me,” to have honor is to have pride and to have pride is to have glory”. I don’t believe that I fully understood that until now, until I came of age to where I had some real world experience where I actually had to test these virtues and every time I did, it never failed, living by them all ways brought a good ending to any situation. To me honor is subject to a man, a man who lives his life with a sense of worth. If you live a life without honor then what value does it hold? Honor is honesty, fairness, and integrity in one’s beliefs and actions. Honesty is something that is well overlooked in today’s society: Oh it’s just a little white lie or, it’s ok they will never know the difference. It is things like this that make the biggest impact on us all whether young or old. It starts small and before you know it becomes easier and simpler to lie. The same goes for fairness. I am a strong believer in “treat people how you like to be treated” it’s better to be honest, fair, and to have integrity. Live a pure life and purity is what you shall see. I take my father as an example, always telling my siblings and I to “make the right decision, treat people how you like to be treated”, “what you do is who you are, believe what you know in your heart is true”, “the truth shall set you free” and so on. He lived his life a day at a time happily accepting god’s plain contempt or joy neither affecting him, he took it as it came and just kept going. He inspires me to do better and to be better, always striding for success, never giving up, because that’s not an option. We need to lead by examples, for our peers and children so they may influence others

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