The Vietnam War: The Cold War

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The definition of a cold war is: “A state of conflict between nations that does not involve direct military action but is pursued primarily through economic and political actions, propaganda, acts of espionage or proxy wars waged by surrogates” (Wikipedia). The war between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic exhibits the entire definition of a cold war. America didn’t want the Soviet Union’s communism to expand and the Soviet Union didn’t want the American Democracy to expand. Henceforth, the two dove into the Cold War that terrorized the world for 46 years with the threat of nuclear war. The Cold War was a literal cold war because there was no direct military conflict between America and the Soviet Union…show more content…
“Both the Soviet Union and China sent aid [to Vietnam] - but no troops- unlike the Americans” (Esler 994). Although both sides of the Cold War sent in supplies to many of the wars that occurred during the Cold War, the two did not actually meet in combat as only one of the sides ever sent in military aid in each war. In Korea, the Soviets did not send in a fighting force of their own, however, “the Americans condemned the attack [by the communist North Korea] and sent in military force” (Peters lecture). In Vietnam and Korea, only the Americans sent in troops. In the Afghan-Soviet war, the Soviets sent in troops, and the Americans only sent in supplies to aid the Afghans. While the Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the most dangerous events in the cold war, there wasn’t any fighting. The only thing that happened was that the Soviets tried to land nuclear missiles in Cuba, and as Cuba is 90 miles away from America, the Americans threatened nuclear war if the Soviets landed in Cuba. Consequently, there was no actual fighting in any of these wars between America and the Soviet Union. Had there been any direct military conflict between the Soviets and the Americans, the Cold War would not have been cold. However, there wasn’t any actual fighting between the Soviet troops and the American troops, so the Cold war really was
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