The Treaty of Hudaibiya:

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The Treaty Of Hudaibiya: It was the sixth year after Hijrah from Mecca to Medina. The Prophet Muhammad (sws) had a dream that the Muslim’s heads were getting shaved and that they were all going to Mecca, to the Kaaba for Umrah. He told his followers and everyone was looking forward to go. When they left Medina to go to Mecca, the Prophet (sws) had 1,400 followers with him. When the Prophet and his followers wanted to go to the Kaaba, the Quraish tribe would not let them pass. They sent someone to negotiate with the Prophet Muhammad (sws). The man’s name was Urwah. Urwah had told the Prophet (sws) that all of his followers were different, and that he would soon be abandoned by all of them, but the Prophet (sws) did not accept what Urwah had said. Another messenger sent from the Quraish tribe was named Al- Hulais. Al-Hulais was more understanding and was impressed on how much the Prophet (sws) and his followers had so much devotion for the Kaaba. Al- Hulais also realized how much love the Prophet (sws)’s followers had so much love for the Prophet (sws). Al- Hulais tried to convince the Quraish people to just let the Muslims go pray in the Kaaba and come back to Medina, but no one listened. From the Muslim’s side, they wanted to send Umar (RA) to go negotiate but Umar feared that he had many enemies on the Quraish tribe, and that he might be threatened or killed. So, the Prophet (sws) had chosen Uthmaan (RA) to go negotiate with the Quraish tribe since Uthmaan (RA) had family on the Quraish tribe that was not Muslim. So he went. When Uthmaan (RA) went the Quraish people still did not trust the Muslims. But, they offered Uthmaan (RA) to pray and do Umrah at the Kaaba; He declined and said why should I go if you won’t let the Prophet (sws) go. Then he left. The Muslims were very anxious and worried about Uthmaan (RA), for he had taken much longer than he had
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