The Three Major Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology.

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The Major Theoretical Perspectives. According the text, Theoretical Perspectives were fundamental to the evolution and study of Sociology. Through these various concepts and theories sociologist sought to explore and examine how social life and events affect the logical social order of things and serve as an indicator of the future our society. Some Sociologist viewed society as a stable self sustaining entity, while others saw it as the day to day interactions of individuals and yet it was also viewed in terms of the varying groups that are forced to compete for limited resources. The Theoretical Perspectives that are integral to U.S. sociology are the functionalist perspective, conflict perspective (both of takes a macro level view of society) and symbolic interactionist perspective (takes a micro level view of society). Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective, also referred to as structural functionalism or functionalism, is a major theoretical perspective in sociology. Functionalism emphasizes the societal consensus, where in the majority of it member share the same values, beliefs, social conduct. Emile Durkheim who was one of its earliest contributors, focused primarily on the existence of social order/ social facts that would in turn lead to continued stability in society. Functionalism examines each component of society as to how it contributes to the stability of the entire society. From this viewpoint society is made up of interrelating parts which should work together to ensure the overall stability of the society. Social structures or institutions are fundamental to all societies and continue to exist in order for society to survive. The family, education, religion, government and the economy are example of institutions that are integral to a sable society. If there is any breakdown in functions of any of these social structures or
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