The Three Main Genres of Literature (Fiction)

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1. The Lyric genre 2. The Epic (or Narrative) genre 3. The Dramatic genre A lyric text concentrates on describing an environment or a character, or reveals the thoughts and feelings of this character. An epic text passes on a story or an action, it narrates/tells what happens to the characters of the text. A concentrated summary of the action is called the plot. A dramatic text is basically the script that lets actors say the lines (replikker) of the characters of the text. Besides that, it only contains stage directions (regibemærknin-ger). Unlike the two other genres, there is no narrator! The lyric genre: Poems, essays, and philosophical reflections, are standard types. But whenever a description appears in a novel or a short story, it constitutes a lyrical trend of the text. And when the main character of a play gives a (famous) soliloquy, such as Hamlet or Macbeth, this makes up a lyrical passage of the play! The epic genre: Novels, ballads and short stories are narrative genres. But they do not just refer to action, - they also contain lyrical passages (such as descriptions and reflections). And very often they are interspersed with the speaking of the characters, - which are dramatic passages. The dramatic genre: Plays, musicals, films. Direct speech (lines) paired with activity (stage directions). But when the action stops and a character reveals his considerations, it becomes lyrical. And very often a film has a “voice over”, usually the main character confiding to us, - and so the drama actually does have a
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