The Tea Party of the Colonia Era and Tea Party of Today

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The Tea Party of the Colonia Era and Tea Party of Today Despite having the same name “Tea Party,” this modern day movement does not share very much with the historical event in 1773. The most glaring difference between the Boston Tea Party of 1773 and the Tea Party of today remains to be the movement’s political affiliations. The majority of the Tea Party members are registered Republicans voters who support many of the party candidates, which divides the resemblance of the Boston’s Tea Party from the very beginning. The Boston Tea Party received no financial support from large companies looking to push their views on society. The today’s Tea Party receives substantial financial support from multibillion dollar company owners such as the Koch Brothers. By giving the party movement funding, it is thought to be a scheme to “turn the Koch Brothers private agenda into a mass movement.” The two brothers have been pushing for greater government leniency when it comes to environmental protection, personal and corporate tax cuts. Furthering the beliefs and agendas of Corporate America disguising as the needs and passions of “everyday America” does not have any similarity to the original Boston Tea Party. In order for there to be an association from the Tea Party of today, the Sons of Liberty would have to accept money from the East India Trading Company in exchange for fighting British Parliament to lower the tax. When the Boston Tea Party took place, the colonist sought change in only one area of their lives. They did not want to be ruled by British Parliament. Social issues never made it to the forefront. In todays’ society, it is difficult to remain free from social uproars and cries for change. The Tea Party of today do not focus on just one issue in the U.S. government but other social issues like government run healthcare, gay marriage, abortion. Members also

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