The Tassel Is Worth the Hassle: the Effects of Dropouts on Society

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The Tassel is Worth the Hassle: The Effects of Dropouts on Society By: William McIsaac Dropping out of school in today’s money driven society comes with a plethora of risks. The individual is left with outcomes leading to only “less than fulfilling paths” and society then stands in the middle with a mop and bucket to clean up the debris that may become of their lives. Dropping out of high-school is accompanied by many other repercussions that may affect society as a well as the individual. For those who struggle along the path of education and fall just out of reach of that high school diploma seem to be more likely to become involved in criminal behaviour. High school students, especially those in grade nine, are still developing and battling with inner conflicts of who they are and amongst this ongoing struggle is the journey to discover themselves. Since teenage years are the ideal time to define themselves as individuals, students look everywhere for some form of guidance to lead them to the ultimate realization of who they are. High school is not only an institution for knowledge but also a guide to lead students down a path that is generally seen as successful. However, when students make the decision, whatever their reason may be, to drop out of high school they are rejecting the illuminating guidance of high school and without this guidance students look elsewhere for any sort of navigation. When these former students have tried the conventional methods of success and discovered that the system has failed them, they may attempt methods outside of the system. Crime looks like a brighter option for those who feel they may have no other options left. It is one of the few things they may find that requires no education and is an easy way to make easy money. As a result, the appeal of crime to drop outs increases and ultimately increases the tendency to

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