The Sword In Japan

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The Sword in Japan In this paper I would like to examine the sword’s role in Japan. It can be used as a tool to examine the ancient history of Japan up to the present as the sword has played a very important role in Japan, especially since the Heian Period of Japanese history, while the sword can be used to examine Japanese history and different ruling periods in Japan, I would like to explore the history of the sword. The sword has played a very important role in Japanese history, and I would like to examine the role that the sword played, from its beginning role in Japanese society to the present, to lastly examine the current day role In order to understand the role of the sword in Japanese history, we need to understand more about the sword itself. The katana is a large curved sword. It is mostly used for practice and dueling, however samurai used the sword alongside the wakizashi in war. The wakizashi is a smaller sword, which was also used in combat as part of a pair sword carried by the samurai class (we shall talk in more depth about the samurai later). As a shorter sword the wakizashi was used for close combat, while the katana was used for man-to-man combat in ancient battle. As a set, the katana and the wakizashi were called the daish. The word daish means both “big” and “small” and refers to traditional We now can address the sword as an ancient weapon of the samurai, but now it is important to understand more of the history of the swords, their creation. The creation of the katana is a labor-intensive construction. The art of sword making is called bladesmithing, and the art was developed in Japan. The creation of a sword was supposed to have taken hours or days (perhaps more likely the latter) and the craft required the work of several swordsmakers, or bladesmiths. There could be over four

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