The Summer When I Was Sixteen

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The Summer I Was Sixteen is written by Geraldine Connolly. This poem stood out to me immediately because of the title. It sounded interesting and fun. While reading this poem, I really liked that any girl could connect with it. This poem brings back memories of the summers I have spent with my friends sunbathing and swimming in the pool. My favorite line is, “The turquoise pool rose up to meet us, / its slide a silver afterthought…” (Connolly 1-2). This line brings an image to one’s mind. Also, these lines are the first lines of the poem; they immediately grab one’s attention and illustrate what is to come in the rest of the poem. I believe this poem is about the carefree time a teenage girl spends during her summers. There is not a care in the world in this poem. Life seems to be great. This poem could be describing summer as the best and most enjoyable season when nothing seems to go wrong. The wordsmith writes in free verse, which means that the poem does not have a certain rhythm or pattern. Connolly uses metaphors and similes throughout the poem. For example, in line 13, she describes the cotton candy as “sweet as furtive kisses.” She also uses imagery to capture the reader’s attention and paint pictures. For instance, in lines 18-19, she writes: “loosened / thin bikini straps and subbed baby oil with iodine / across sunburned shoulders.” Anyone who reads these lines can see girls with red shoulders rubbing tanning oil on their bodies and laying in the grass. I would definitely recommend this poem to others. This poem is realistic and beautifully written. The use of imagery and rich vocabulary adds to the fun and interest of the poem. I would love to read more of Mrs. Connolly’s
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