The Strongest Memory of an Event

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Chukwudi Azikiwe Strongest memory The strongest memory of an event I ever had in life is was when I was 13 years old on June 22 of 2010. I had a competition with fifty people. The name of the event is MYC Mr. Congeniality. The competition was to find the person with the best talent. There were four judges looking for the best talent. So I chose to do a speech, showcase and comedy. The event took place at Hilton Garden in Indianapolis. My agent and I had to stay at the hotel the night before. When I woke up that morning, I practiced my speech for two hours. I practiced my showcase for a one hour and my jokes for two hours. When I got done practicing, I went backstage. I went backstage to get ready the clothes that I was going to wear for the event. When I got done getting the clothes that I needed for the event, it was 4:00 pm. I had to go back to my hotel room to get ready. For my showcase I looked like a gangster so I was wearing black jeans with a red shirt and black and red hat. When I got done getting ready for my showcase, I had to walk out from the front door in to the event, and I had to dance like a gangster on the stage. When I got to the stage I saw my mom, dad, sister and my little brother and a thousand people. Then I had to dance out from the front door to the stage. When I got out, I went backstage, and I had to suit up for my speech. When I was backstage getting ready for my speech, I was very scared because so many people were looking at me. I walk on to the stage. I was reading my speech about me, and in one of the part I forgot what I was going to say. I had to make up something. When I got done with my speech, I went back stage to change into my Michael Blackson outfit. Then I was not scared like I was when I was doing the speech. I came out on the stage, and people were laughing at my outfit. My jokes were about a man

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