The Seven Habits of Project Management

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The seven habits: 1. Being proactive The first habit is being proactive, about analyzing a situation and seeing what needs to be done about a problem or issue and fixing or being ready for it before it happens. It's about insight and clairvoyance as much as it is about vigilance and research. An example of this is the assessment of risk which I did in the project plan. As well as the actual planning. 2. Begin with the end in mind A project should be started with the goal of the project in mind, in other words with the end of the project in mind. How the final goal could be met in the most efficient and qualitative manner as possible. 3.Put first things first This habit puts things in perspective it takes the focus from the final goal to each and every step on the way to reaching it. As the final goal cannot be reached immediately this is an important habit as it reminds us to focus on all the small details that make up the bigger picture. 4. Think win-win When cooperating with other people the best scenario possible is always a win-win situation as everyone included in the project is happy and a happy coworker is a productive coworker. Therefore everyone in the group should be valued and their opinion on things should be respected to reach the best result. 5.Seek first to understand and then to be understood To be able to provide leadership and delegate tasks and assignments a project manager must first understand the situation, the team members and the sponsor. Because if the project leader is simply good at being understood and not at understanding then what the project leader is communicating is in most cases wrong. Additionally providing false information can even be more harmful than providing no information at all. Therefore it is essential to understand before you aim to be understood. 6.Synergize All persons are good at different things and
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