The Self-System In 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's'

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There are many concepts seen in this movie. One of the concepts is the self-system which consists of personifications, self, significant other, the “not me”, and the dynamisms. But another theory that is relevant in this movie is Carl Rogers’ theory of self. He viewed the organism as an organized whole: the central source of energy in the human organism. According to Rogers, it is a tendency toward fulfillment, actualization, maintenance, and enhancement of the organism. Therefore, the inherent tendency of the organism is to actualize itself. In addition, the self consists of perceptions about oneself and one’s relationships to others as well as to the diverse aspects of life and they all have values attached to them. And gradually, the perceived self (self-concept) influences perception and behavior. When the self-concept and the actual experience of the organism itself are in opposition, the self loses contact with the actual organismic experience and gets filled with tensions. A very relevant concept that supports self-actualization as a need is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In…show more content…
He didn’t do anything wrong, yet his mom left him. I couldn’t help but imagine how I would feel if I were in his place. I felt that it was not very beneficial to write a letter to your son telling him that you have to find something interesting for yourself, especially to a son that is Billy’s age. I think that it would be very hard to understand at that age. To a child that age, they see their mom as their caregiver. They could even think that is their mom’s job – being next to them and caring for them and loving them. To hear, “I have to find something interesting,” from their mom, I think it is almost impossible for a child not to misunderstand that and blame their mom’s leaving them on
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