The Secret Weapon: Effects Of Sleep Deprivation In

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The Secret Weapon: Effects of Sleep Deprivation in Students Around a college campus, it is common to hear students talk of having to “pull an all-nighter” in order to study for a test or write a paper. Little do many students know, however, sleep is the secret for success and is highly necessary. According to a recent survey by the National Sleep Foundation, sixty-three percent of college students do not get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation has become a huge problem among many college campuses, although many do not address it as a problem. Rather, they focus on alcohol abuse and what they see as larger issues. It has been proven that both the quantity and quality of sleep are associated with a college student’s mental health and academic achievement. Total sleep deprivation can also cause problems with athletics, time management, and self-regulation. Studies have found that approximately twenty percent of college students suffer from sleeping disorders like insomnia, which cause sleep deprivation, along with experiencing irritability, anxiety, and even weight gain ( Although many students claim they can manage with only a few hours of sleep, it has been proven that there are many detrimental effects of missing out on something many overlook as a minor daily activity. Doing poorly in your classes due to sleep deprivation can cause one’s grade point average to drop, which can lead to different problems such as losing scholarship or chances at getting more scholarships or internships, entry into certain programs, and losing membership to Dean’s List. From the athletic stand point, as a good population of college students participate in athletics, students may lose athletic scholarships or the eligibility to participate when their grade point average drops. The reasons which cause sleep deprivation can be fixed with simple steps and help

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