The Role of Sensory Education in Maria Montesori’s Method

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The Role of Sensory Education in Maria Montesori’s Method Written by Julie Stokes Maria Montesori believed that children learned by using their hands. She believed that the hand was the link of interaction between mind and body. She believed that by creating an environment that would encourage and enhance children’s experiences through the use of objects that they chose to use through play. She created materials to enhance a child’s every sense. Maria believed that the environment should look inviting to a child with many activities to entertain them and they should be allowed to work with the toys that they preferred as their choices help to build the “whole child”. They should be allowed to work as long as they want on a project, or until they feel that they are completed. She felt that a child would learn more all around senses through their own choices of play and not what is planned for them to do as every child is unique. She believed that the environment should be like a living room to the child. Children feel safer to experiment in a home like environment than in a regular education classroom. Sensorial materials are used for clarification of large, small, heavy, light, thick and thin, loud and soft, high and low, hot and cold, colours, tastes, smells and for plane and solid geometric forms. The sensorial material is really a key to the world and is one of the basis for abstraction. Works Cited Martin, Karen. "ERIC - Preparing for Life: Montessori's Philosophy of Sensory Education., Montessori Life, 1993." ERIC - Preparing for Life: Montessori's Philosophy of Sensory Education., Montessori Life, 1993. ED.Gov, 1993. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. "Philosophy: What Is Montesori?" Maria Montessori School Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ].

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