The Role Of Illegal Immigrants In Latin America

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Is Tolerance Too Much How much do you think 28.8 billion dollars a year would help our nation’s hurting economy? Better yet what about 257 billion? Well that is just how much money was wired out of the United States in Mexico (the smaller number) and Latin America as a whole (larger number). Imagine the boost that could give our nation! The teachers that would keep their jobs or the police officers that would not get laid off due to budget cut backs. Here in Houston we are facing a potential crisis with mandatory budget cuts. Our teachers, police and fire departments are all about to be cut back. The numbers above are breath taking but are only one small piece of a huge pie, rather black hole, which is illegal immigration into the United…show more content…
We have eradicated many diseases a long time ago such as leprosy, malaria and put a huge suppressant on tuberculosis. However as immigrants pour into our country they bring along third world diseases such as these. Immigrants coming over legally get screened for these highly contagious diseases but illegal immigrants do not. Yet once they are affected by the disease they get free emergency care in our nations public hospitals. That is right, I said free emergency care and then the care they are supposed to pay for, they do not, for the most part, have the means to pay their medical bills off. As bad as that is we have citizens, taxpayers, hard working blue collar Americans that are refused care. The healthcare assistance programs are so tapped out from the tab of illegal aliens’ care that paying for a 12 year olds heart transplant is impossible to do! I do not see how or why this goes uncorrected. In the 40 years prior to 2002 there were 900 cases of leprosy in the United States. In the following 3 years there were 9,000 cases and many were from undocumented immigrants. Malaria was eradicated in the 1940’s but recently has broken out from southern California across the country to our own Houston, Texas. These are horrible diseases that kill and statistically come from our illegal…show more content…
It is odd to me that with numbers such as these there are not major reform bills going through to curb this problem. We have government run departments such as OSHA telling companies where to store paint and how to revamp a mattress properly when reselling it yet we are not stopping this huge slap in the face to our justice system. People are openly breaking the law, American laws, and it drains our economy and then to make matters worse we spend more by incarcerating them here in the U.S. instead of sending them back to their home country or even worse have work prisons where they can work to earn back the money they wasted that once came from Joe the working man. There are a number of things that could happen that yes, would cost money to implement but they would not cost what the current cost is to educate, feed and care for the illegal immigrants. Amnesty is over rated and it is killing our country, economy and culture. We are a country build by immigrants but they did it legally. I am all for legal immigration and even more supportive of making citizenship more of a streamlined smooth process but a mandatory one. Something can and should be done. Think of the benefits to our school and healthcare systems alone if those hundreds of billions of dollars annually were not taken from them but pumped back into them.
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