The Role Of Endogenous Pacemakers

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Describe and evaluate the role of endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers in biological rhythms Body rhythms are biological processes that show cyclical variation over time. Many processes show such cyclical variation in both plants and animals over a variety of time perioiuds. They seem governed by internal, inbuilt mechanisms called ‘endogenous pacemakers’ (or body clocks), and exogenous zeitgebers (or ‘time givers’). The biological clock (an endogenous pacemaker) determines when we sleep and when we wake up. Endogenous bodily clocks are influenced by external (exogenous zeitgebers) factors. One of these lies in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SN), which is a small group of cells found in the hypothalamus. It receives information by the retina. Information about light and dark synchronises our biological rhythms with the 24-hour cycle of the outside world. If the SN is damaged, or the connection between it and the retina severed, circadian rhythms disappear completely, and the rhythmic behaviours would become random over the day. To maintain clock-environment synchrony, zeitgebers induce changes in the concentrations of the molecular components of the clock to levels consistent with the appropriate stage in the 24-hour cycle, a process termed entrainment. The cycle length of rhythms is dependent on genetic factors. Green (1998) did a study on hamsters that were given brain transplants of SN from a mutant stain whole biological rhythms have a shorter cycle than those of the recipients, the recipients adopt the same activity cycles as the mutant strain, this strongly suggests that bodily rhythms are primarily an internal (or endogenous) property that does not depend on exogenous cues. Zeitgeber (from German for "time giver," or "synchronizer") is any exogenous (external) cue that synchronizes a plant or animals endogenous (internal) time-keeping
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