The Road to Perdition

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Road to Perdition Where and when did the story take place? The plot takes place in Chicago during The Great Depression (1931). What does the word “perdition” mean? A state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; damnation. The future state of the wicked. Hell. Think of three “character traits” with examples that describe Mike Sullivan. 1. Confident – Mike Sullivan knew exactly what he had to do after his wife and son were murdered. Never hesitated or wavered. 2. Determined – Sullivan set his mind to starting a new life with his son. He did not give up until he believed his goal had been accomplished. 3. Kind – Showed kindness to an elderly couple who cared for him and his son after getting shot; left them a large sum of money. He loved and respected John Rooney. Taught his boy to drive. Give at least one example from the film that illustrates each of the following concepts: Loyalty: Mike Sullivan adhered to John Rooney’s leadership with complete faithfulness and devotion by killing men and collecting money without questioning Rooney’s demands. Guilt: John Rooney experienced quilt after his son, Connor, murdered Sullivan’s wife and youngest son and did nothing to redeem Sullivan. Honor: Sullivan left the elderly couple a large amount of money in return for their help. Jealousy: Connor Rooney was extremely jealous of Sullivan and John Rooney’s close relationship. As a result, Connor’s jealousy led to the murder of Sullivan’s wife and youngest son. Revenge: Mike Sullivan killed John and Connor Rooney. Redemption: In the end it was Sullivan and not his son who killed Harlen Mcguire. “My father’s only fear was that his son would follow the same road. It was the last time I held a gun.” – Mike Sullivan, Jr. Trust: Mike Sullivan, Jr. trusted his father to see them through their current situation. Dilemma: John Rooney’s problem was
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