The Road Not Taken Analysis

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Choices Everyday people make choices such as what clothes to wear or what they should eat for dinner. These choices are not so life changing, but there are choices that make you who you are. These can be anything like choosing whether or not to do drugs or whom to marry. Life choices are not made by groups of people, they are made by an individual. The choices that one must make in their life are most likely never original; meaning someone has probably made the same decision beforehand. Even though the choices have been made before, the result on a single person is unique to that person. Life is the most uncertain thing that each human has. “The Road Not Taken” is a consideration of the uncertainties of life. Every person looks at choices in a different way but all people should weigh their choices with no bias. Each choice at a time should be given a fair chance to be studied. In the poem it says, “then took the other, as just as fair,” (Frost 6). Robert Frost is saying that the traveler gave each road a fair chance while deliberating which road to take. With the result of the choice the traveler makes, the decision was not a bad one because the traveler says, “and that has made all the difference,” (20) which means that the decision has made the rest of the travelers life more enjoyable. Decisions in life should always be thought out especially if it is a big decision that could drastically change your life with no going back. When weighing the options in life the options could look drastically different but also look highly similar. Just as the first road was covered with “undergrowth” (5) and the other had “the better claim” (7) ,choices in life act in a similar way. This means that choices can be drastically different in the beginning and with the final outcome. However, decisions can look mind boggling similar as the poem says “had worn them really about

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