The Relevance Of Play

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The importance of play Young children’s play is directly or indirectly appointed to their experiments, activities, experiences and events. The essay illustrates the attitude of play in different perspectives and how they links to Te whariki. The comparison of Sri Lanka socio cultural perspective and one of New Zealand socio cultural perspective describes follows. In the summary, the learning outcome referring to examples will be talk about. The definitions of play have stated many theorists. During the 20th century, children’s plays have been closely observed by theorists. Play defines as playing and growing are parallel roads to life. Playfulness describes the child’s creativity and action. Through play a child acquire self reliance to represent of his inner and outer worlds. (Wood, & Attfield, 2005). That children “learn through play” is a concept that has established to show the importance of play. It is the belief that play is necessary for a healthy grow and development. Play literate states that children declare their current interests and needs through play activity. Children control the environment, materials to acquire skills to going after exploration and practice. (Piaget, 1962). Play provided an ideal way of observe children’s natural interests, behaviours and moods. The children learn when they are ready. It describes the importance of choice of a child, and that ready is to understand to adults that the child is ready to early learning. The essential value of play indicates that children develop their social skills to cooperate with their peers. As play dough, playing with blocks and clay directs children to share the tools, waiting for self turn and respecting for social rules. Role of play is an ideal way of expressing their creativity and develop their imaginations. This creativity includes their cultures, thinking patterns, styles,
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