The Rape of Nanking

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The Rape of Nanking Babies are snatched from their mothers' arms and bayonetted. Young girls and women are raped over and over, the attacks ceasing only when the girl dies or feigns death. Girls as young as eleven or twelve are carried away from homes and schools to act as sex slaves to soldiers. Forced incestuous rape is used to amuse soldiers, and civilian men are forced to rape dead bodies. Captured soldiers are summarily executed, the commanders of the invaders having determined that the term "prisoner of war" will no longer be used. Thousands are executed, their bodies buried in the Ten Thousand Corpse Ditch. Young men thought to be soldiers are burned or buried alive, nailed to trees, even hung by the tongue until they die. Pregnant women and babies are treated the worst, mutilated to death in unimaginable ways. Today the survivors of the Nanking Massacre, now in their seventies and eighties, still recount the terrible things that happened over six weeks in 1937. Their voices tremble as they recount their memories, repeating over and over how they hate the Japanese. The Rape of Nanking was one of the most terrible atrocities ever recorded in history, and it happened only in the last century, between two countries we think of today as among the most civilized in the world. Yet it seems we have mostly forgotten about it, the Chinese government covering it to protect their trading status with Japan and Japan mostly denying it ever happened. The Japanese army, determined to take China and use its vast resources to fuel their defeat of the Oriental half of the world, marched through China in 1937, laying waste to everything they marched through. As the Chinese realized what they were facing, they burned and destroyed fuel, food, and anything else that might help the Japanese as they approached Nanking. Soldiers, knowing they would be executed if caught in or out

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