The Pursuit of Happyness

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“The Pursuit of Happyness” by Steven Conrad The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical drama film based on a true story about Chris Gardner’s one year struggle with homelessness. Throughout the film the plot develops around Chris Gardner and his son Christopher. The story of a loving father trying to make ends meet while, many obstacles are placed in his way. The film is broken down into parts were Chris names his action of the day. One day he paid a lady playing a guitar on street for money to watch his Bone density x-ray machine and she stole it. This he called his being stupid day. We know it’s the early 1980’s because President Ronald Reagan is delivering a speech on the economic hardship the country is going through. Chris Gardner (Will Smith) is a self employed salesman in San Francisco. Chris invests all their money into medical scanners that he inturn will sell to doctors and hospitals. The scanners don’t sell well because they are very expensive and many doctors don’t want to buy them. Chris and his wife linda (Thandie Newton) work pay check to pay check and still are not able to pay the rent. Linda is forced to work two shifts at her job and they are still behind. Linda is not able to cope with this life style and leaves Chris and her five year old son Christopher (Jaden Christopher Syre Smith). Linda gets a job in New York with her sister who buys a restaurant. This is where the movie really takes off because now Chris is the sole care taker of Christopher. The relationship between Chris and Linda is so down to earth and believable. It really portrays the destitute of many couples that are struggling to live day to day. The bad decisions they made that cost them dearly. Know without Linda’s extra income he is evicted from his apartment. Chris meets a man standing beside a very nice car and asked him what he did for a
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