The Pros And Cons Of War

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War is a phenomenon that nations and people are trying to avoid from the very be-ginning is still next to them, but now it has changed and sometimes it is hard to rec-ognize all its new forms and measures that we are facing in the XXI century. In all meanings, war negatively affects people’s lives, states economies, and sometimes it can last for short period or years, then it can break for a while or stop, but it will never end in all of its forms as a whole and of course with various consequences. The fol-lowing essay will argue reasons why war will never end. Also, it will describe how war is changing its typical forms and its positive and negative aspects. Further on this essay will touch upon several definitions on what war is and how war as a ‘phenomenon’ is organized and conducted between two or more different states, organizations or groups of people within or outside the country. War does not have one simple form it has different meanings and forms for different reasons. In the 21st century there are numerous countries where armed conflicts are taking place. Some of them are very intensive and…show more content…
States may be struggling against others in order to protect their vital state interests such as their access to vital natural resources. It is believed that interconnected trade and com-merce inevitably serve as a means for accepting also democratic values, it may also be argued as creating additional vulnerabilities for country’s dependence on the another state influence in some situations to restrain itself from making independent decisions or by contrast to take same actions against its free will. The good example would be European Union and Ukraine’s dependence on Russia’s natural resources. Russia is putting huge pressure on the European Union states to acquire at least a neutral message regarding its

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