The Pros And Cons Of Caffeine

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Each morning people from around the world wake up and drink their routine caffeinated beverages as they prepare to tackle their day. The morning, however, is not the only time caffeine is depended upon. Caffeine is depended on at all times of the day whether it be to wake up, stay awake, or simply for a boost. Whether it be coffee, tea, or even a soft drink, many people believe that they can’t function without it. This is because “caffeine is an enhancer that stimulates the brain and central nervous system to keep the body awake and alert,” (Petre). Although many people have claimed that they notice a difference from when they drink caffeine to when they don’t, there are still people “on the fence” about the idea. There is an ongoing debate,…show more content…
The fact that it was ever even on the list infers that it must not be good. “In order for a substance to qualify for WADA’s prohibited substance list they must meet two or three of the criteria. The criteria being: 1) It has the potential to enhance performance; 2) It poses a health risk to athletes; and/or 3) It violates “the spirit of sport,”” (Payne). Caffeine is no longer on the list, but that does not mean that it is good. Caffeine was removed to prevent athletes who take common cold medication and who drink cola or coffee from testing positive to the banned substance, (Caffeine removed from banned drug list). Caffeine is in common cold medications and cola. Caffeine is in a lot of everyday things making it hard to ban, but if it wasn’t so common it would probably still be…show more content…
Caffeine has not been added to any lists proving it to be addictive, but many consumers can say that they have personally witnessed caffeine withdrawal symptoms. One consumer in particular never liked the taste of coffee or tea, so they never really consumed it. One day a coworker asked why they never had a tea or coffee on break with the rest of them, and they decided to try coffee again, and after that they never turned back. They said, “In the beginning I only drank coffee during work (Mon-Fri), shortly after coffee became part of my weekend routine, my holidays, my studies, my workout routine, my life! I would strategically time my caffeine consumption with events in my life. If I was working out I ensured to have a double espresso 30 minutes before I began. If I was at a social event I again, made sure I had coffee before to ensure I was ‘perked up’. In reality this behavior is similar to drug addiction and abuse. During my years of consuming caffeine I didn’t recognise any adverse effects at the time. I’m sure this is common with a lot of readers. It wasn’t until I stopped that I realised I was more than just a coffee drinker, I was a caffeine addict,” (My Caffeine Experience). This scenario is not only true for this consumer, this could happen to anyone. Often times it is not apparent that an addiction is forming/has formed

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